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We are Ron and Meg Knapper and have been married over 30 years.  Fifteen years ago, we started to get our financial lives in order. We buckled down and paid off all our credit cards and car loans!


BUT... because we hadn’t changed our habits and didn’t have a plan for the next steps to financial success, we wandered back into debt.


A Target run, a meal out, it was always some little thing on a credit card. This was before Amazon Prime when we actually had to leave the house to spend money.


Soon we were $35,000 in credit card debt with nothing to show for it except one $800 TV. We were just sloppy with our money. We were spending unintentionally and not making a plan.

We read a book and started to work on some better money habits, but they didn’t stick. We didn’t really change, have a plan and we were doing it on our own.


Two years later we attended a class and discovered the secret of accountability.  This helped us develop a plan and solidify the habits we needed to become debt-free.


Our story continues. Friends and family noticed the difference in our behaviors, attitudes and diminished stress. They began to ask what was different. We began to help others by teaching them what we had learned as well as offering accountability.


This led us to seek more training so we could guide more people in achieving their own financial dreams. We became financial coaches.


We understand how it feels to have more month than money. Money problems put a strain on our marriage and our family. We did not set good fiscal examples for our children.


Now we are building wealth, our adult children and their spouses are debt-free and we know our legacy is one of choice and generous giving.


We believe true wealth is making the best choice from many options based on their merits, not their cost.​

Our Story

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