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Writer's pictureRon and Meg Knapper

Spring Cleaning And Your Money, Are You Ready?

Where did the term come from? In the past houses were closed up during the winter and spring gave people a chance to open them up again, air them out, and get a fresh start.

We still use the term spring cleaning, but often we associate it with a sense of something we have to do, should do, or are guilty of not doing. We have lost the meaning of the term.

We propose you take a moment this spring and think about the idea of spring cleaning. Is there an area of your life you need a fresh start? Something you’ve been meaning to do but it never seems to be the right time, or you get busy and it just doesn’t happen?

Purpleish flower buds on long stems
Spring is a time of rebirth

As financial coaches, we are going to suggest the area of your personal finances. Have you been lamenting that you haven’t gotten your spending under control, that you’re not making progress towards your financial goals, that you aren’t saving enough for retirement, that you don’t have the money for a vacation... fill in your own issue.

Ask yourself, is now the time? Spring cleaning is about moving forward into a better season, into a new phase of life. Spring is a new beginning, a chance to start over and do better. We can help. Contact us today to set up your free consultation to hear about making a plan for your money and living life your way.

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